Register for Considering Christianity: Is It a True & Better Story? The first class starts Sept. 18th.
Explore content & resources from previous classes.
Sign up for a small group book study related to previous Renew classes.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Renew is a two-semester, once-a-month series of classes designed to help people learn more about Christian beliefs and practices. This learning of God’s truth, when empowered by his Spirit, is what the Bible calls the “renewal of your mind” and it is one of the ways that Jesus continually transforms people’s lives (Romans 12:2).
The short answer is: everyone! Whether you are completely new to the Christian faith (and maybe even still exploring your options) or just want to renew and refresh your understanding, there’s something here for you!
Classes meet every third Wednesday of the month September-May (excluding December). The first semester focuses on Christian doctrine/beliefs while the second semester focuses on Christian practices and habits. One year of classes will be devoted to a general overview of the essentials of Christian belief and practice while every other year will take a deep dive into more specific topics. Each class is about an hour long and is followed by either breakout group discussions or a Question & Answer session.